Glyminoh Rice, Its a chosen well tested certified traditional grain hand pounded and falls under the category of Low GI Foods, loaded with more Fiber and Nutrient Rich Bran which makes it a Unique Product offering you the duel health benefits of Diabetic and Obesity Control. It is registered & Clinically-tested.

Switch to a healthier diet with Glyminoh – A Low GI Rice. Its a Best Diabetic Rice with a low glycemic index. Start eating healthier

About Us

At Glyminoh, we provide high-quality rice with low glycemic index to help maintain normal blood glucose levels. We ensure that our rice retains its nutrient-rich bran, providing essential health benefits.

Our Products

Glyminoh Rice - Its a Low-GI, Diabetic Friendly Rice. Its the rice your family can rely upon.

Glyminoh Rice

Its a new varient of Glyminoh rice - For those who prefer whiter grain with minimum fibre in the rice.

white rice grains on brown wooden table
white rice grains on brown wooden table


I love Glyminoh rice! It helps me maintain my blood glucose levels.

Glyminoh rice is a game-changer for me. It's low glycemic index makes a big difference.

I highly recommend Glyminoh rice to anyone looking to manage their blood glucose levels.

I'm so glad I discovered Glyminoh rice. It's the perfect choice for a healthy diet.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or orders.